Social club re-opens…with an added bonus!
We are pleased to confirm that we will re-open the Tuffley Rovers social club this Saturday, from 12noon.
Having reviewed the Government Guidelines we have put a number of safety measures in place, to help ensure we offer as safe an environment as possible for our members. This will include:
✅ Revised entry and exit arrangements to support a one-way system around the club
✅ We will ask all members to observe at least 1m+ social distancing, in line with Government Guidelines
✅ No-one will be permitted to wait or remain in the bar area after service – only those queueing for service can be in this area
✅ All members will be required to sign in with their name and phone number as per guidelines relating to Track and Trace. Anyone who declines to provide their details will not be served
✅ Hand sanitisers will be in place for all members
✅ All games machines, including the pool table, will be unavailable for use
✅ Glasses will be single use for each drink purchased
✅ Children must be supervised at all times
✅ We ask members to make contactless payment by card, wherever possible
✅ Capacity will be restricted and once the maximum is reached no further entry we will be permitted (other than on a ‘one in, one out’ basis)
✅ Our staff will look to remind members of their responsibilities. Anyone whose behaviour falls below the standard or who declines to respect staff or their fellow members will be asked to leave
✅ Regularly scheduled cleaning routines will be in place to ensure the safety of everyone visiting the club
It will be vital that all of our members respect these rules if we are to maintain a safe and healthy environment for staff and members alike. We ask you to respect the staff and adhere to social distancing guidelines.